Miners online
Blockchain height
Pool Hashrate
Stratum addresses / Ports for this Pool:
SRBMiner (Download here)
Substitute WALLET_ADDRESS with your personal Wallet Address and add ".rigname" to your address to have per-rig-statistics.
You can use the password field to set static difficulty i.e. d=500000 gives your worker a static difficulty of 500000.
SRBMiner (Download here)
Substitute WALLET_ADDRESS with your personal Wallet Address and add ".rigname" to your address to have per-rig-statistics
You can use the password field to set static difficulty i.e. d=500000 gives your worker a static difficulty of 500000.
Substitute WALLET_ADDRESS with your personal Wallet Address and add ".rigname" to your address to have per-rig-statistics
You can use the password field to set static difficulty i.e. d=500000 gives your worker a static difficulty of 500000.
Hive OS Config